My name is Hayden, I’ve struggled with depression and being the lowest of the lows reaching for anything that would numb the pain. As I got older, I was driving all of my friends and family away with my addiction and outlook on life. I was constantly in my head with nights on nights with no sleep. I felt as if I was the problem and just wanted to eliminate myself from the situation thinking it would make everyone’s life easier. I woke up on the floor with blood on both arms and it took that to realize that I needed help. I always had my 1 person in my life that pushed me to want to keep living, and I will forever love her. Thank you, I owe everything to you. Through medication and deep conversations, I’ve been slowly overturning my life. As Jarad said “Everyone has their someone you just got to look and see”. His music has played an enormous role in my life with everyone song describing how I feel through the ups and downs. I encourage everyone to seek help even if it makes you feel weak. YOU ARE NOT WEAK, you are not a coward, every life is precious and has a point. Know that you are never alone, is the one thing I wish someone would have said to me so I’m here to say that to you. Live Free #999