You Are Not Alone

#999Stories of Mental Health

Live Free 999 encourages everyone to speak openly about mental health. We have created a space to share the stories sent to us from our audience to inspire others to share their own journeys, creating a virtual story-telling chain of community and support.

Want to join the conversation? Share your story with us.

Notice: Some of the stories shared may contain topics that could be emotionally triggering to some members of our audience. Topics such as suicide, self-harm, substance abuse, and trauma are discussed.

Mychael’s Story

Hey everyone reading this. I’m not gonna lie, my life doesn’t seem that bad. I have loving parents, I live in a safe neighborhood, there’s no abuse, but the reason I’m opening up is because I realized that everyone has problems. I’ve always struggled with making friends that don’t try to use me or make fun of me. Juice’s music

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Michelle’s Story

On the morning of July 3rd, 2024 our lives changed forever. We lost our son, our sweet angel face, Zendon. We went to wake him up for work and he wouldn’t wake up. Never in a million years would we have imagined this being our reality; it’s still so unreal. Zendon was loved by so many.  He was much, much more

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Ian’s Story

Around 2017-2018 I was spiraling real bad with my anxiety. I was truant from school and started experimenting with xanax. Thanks to music I was able to find healthier outlets and was able to put the pills down before developing a proper addiction. Juice’s music showed me that not only am I not alone in my struggles with anxiety and

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We support programs that help people struggling with anxiety, depression, and substance dependency.

Text LF999 to 741741 to reach the Crisis Text Line for free crisis counseling.
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